Results for Category: Shipping

Man sat in front of multiple screens showing different data

How to tackle cybersecurity in maritime technology

The great advantages that come with digitalization for the maritime industry also come with the risk of vulnerabilities. More connectivity between systems means more linked devices that are open to hackers if they are not routinely sec

Man in a suit with a hologram of a tablet in front of him and shipping vehicles behind him

New technology in the maritime industry

The disruptions that have been felt in the supply chain and logistics network worldwide have had a direct impact on the maritime industry. The industry may have been slow to adopt new technologies, but many factors have converged to en

Ships in the sea with hologram rays connecting them together

Digitalization in the maritime industry

As with all industries, the global pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of the maritime sector. With increasing strain on the global logistical network and supply chains, the need to receive real-time updates and data from ships

Person taping up a cardboard box to ship

What is ecommerce shipping management?

The shipping industry continues to grow and meet the challenges of supply and demand during the global pandemic. However, where once concerns such as piracy and politics may have been occasional issues to navigate,